A Supermarket Is Using Snapchat Stories to Show How Fresh Its Fish Is

A Supermarket Is Using Snapchat Stories to Show How Fresh Its Fish Is


U, one of the largest supermarket chains in France, has launched "Fresh Stories" to demonstrate that its fish is freshly caught. Filmed with Snapchat Spectacles, Fresh Stories document the steps of the fish's journey, from the fisherman to the sales manager, and a fishmonger. In the store, shoppers can scan a Snapcode placed on the origin labels of fish that takes them to the fresh story with the journey the fish'a journey to the supermarket's fish counter made in less then 24 hours.  



A campaign developed by TBWA\Paris put printed snapcodes on the origin labels of fish, connecting the customer to the Snapchat Spectacles of a fisherman, a sales manager, and a fishmonger. The content chronicled the fish's final hours before arriving at the fish counter. It also proved it was fresh, as Snapchat Stories only last for 24 hours - so, if there was a story behind the origin label, that meant that the fish had arrived that day.


A series of Snapchat Spectacles shots documents the journey:


u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories


The Snapchat Story is told by a fisherman Lionnel, a sales manager Romain and a fishmonger Laurence.

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories

u supermarket fresh stories


Fresh Stories success

If you think your business needs Snapchat like a fish needs a bicycle, Fresh Stories campaign proves you wrong. ;)

Commenting on the launch of U "Fresh Stories" for SnapchatDaily.com, TBWA\Paris Creative Director Jacquelin Guillaume-Duverne said: "As snapchat stories last only 24 hours, if there is a story behind your origin label, than the fish you are about to buy is fresh. We simply printed Snapcodes on the origin labels of the fishes that connected shoppers to the Snapchat Spectacles of a fisherman, a sales manager, and a fishmonger, to live one day in their shoes eyes".

While the creative agency has not disclosed the campaign's results, Fresh Stories are definitely an example of creative thinking that brands can adopt. Snapchat Stories do not have to be complicated or time-consuming to produce. If you are being "in the moment" and simply capturing it with Snapchat Spectacles by pressing a button on your sunnies, you already have content to share. With Fresh Stories, TBWA\Paris and U supermarkets couldn't find a better medium to tell the story of their fresh fish, as Snapchat Stories disappear within 24 hours. Through the stories, U supermarkets are also demonstrating their supply chain and how they work with local small businesses like the fisherman Lionnel showing that the brand has nothing to hide and what it's proud of.


Want more? There are plenty of fish in the sea

You can watch the video with the English subtitles here.

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